CTF Rules
- The flag format is described using this regex:
- The following is a sample of a valid flag. Any flag not in a similar format is a false flag. Sample flag: HACKMAC{th1s_i5_4_s4mpl3_fl4g’+!-.@#$%?}
- Teams must consist of 2 players.
- Denial of service attacks are strictly prohibited.
- You are not allowed to brute-force any challenge on a server, unless specified otherwise.
- Collaboration between competing teams is not allowed.
- Flag hoarding is not allowed.
- Decisions taken by Hack Mac admins regarding all disputes are final.
Ground Rules
- Treat everyone with respect. We do not tolerate any kind of harassment. If you have a concern for any reason, please contact an admin immediately.
- Posting flags in any channel is strictly prohibited.
- Please do not share links for pirated software, books or tools.
- Keep the content SFW in Hack Mac communication platforms.
- Do not post write-ups until the CTF is over.
- Do not hack the CTF infrastructure.
- Do not advertise other CTFs/Discord servers/events without asking an admin.
- Violation of any of the rules may lead to deletion of the messages, or even getting banned from the Discord server and Hack Mac 2023.
- Regarding all disputes, the decision by admins is final.
- IMPORTANT: Have fun!